Rebuild Your Future After An Injury

Attorney Benjamin M. Salyers

Farm Vehicle Accident Attorneys in Kentucky

Farm vehicle accidents happen on roads all over Kentucky. I, attorney Benjamin M. Salyers, can help if you’ve been hurt. Everyone here in rural Kentucky knows the frustration of cruising down the road only to have to hit your brakes and crawl slowly along behind a farm vehicle until it is safe to pass. While this often happens without incident, accidents still happen.

Determining who is at fault and recovering the compensation you deserve can be a confusing process. At Salyers Law, PLLC, getting relief for the injured in Shelbyville, in Frankfort and across the region is what I do. Whether you were driving a farm vehicle hit by a negligent driver or your car was struck, I can help you fight for compensation.

I Can Determine Who Is At Fault in Farm Accidents

These types of accidents can involve a lot of finger-pointing, because many drivers don’t like having to share the roads with tractors, combines, sprayers and other large vehicles. After your accident, I will get to work quickly investigating the details and determining who caused the crash. Some common causes of farm vehicle collisions include:

  • Vehicles that are too wide blocking the road
  • Farm vehicles coming to a sudden stop or driving very slowly in a high-speed zone
  • Not installing the proper brake lights on a farm vehicle
  • Cars following slow-moving farm vehicles too slowly
  • Turning out in front of fast-moving cars

What Are Farm Vehicles?

Here is a list of examples of farm vehicles and agricultural equipment used with farm vehicles that are used in farming operations.

  • Tractor
  • Harvester
    Farm truck
  • Combine
  • Mower
  • Front-end loader
  • Cultipacker
  • Plows
  • Manure spreader
    Fertilizer spreader


I can handle workers’ compensation matters related to farm workers being injured in a farm vehicle. The farming industry is one of the most dangerous lines of work. I, a top workers’ compensation attorney, Benjamin Salyers, am ready to help fight for your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

Call Your Local Farm Accident Lawyers For Help

Work with an attorney who drives the same roads as you and understands what can happen in these accidents. I have been helping residents of the area for 23 years. To learn more, schedule a free consultation via email or by calling Salyers Law, PLLC, in Shelbyville and Frankfort at 502-996-6926. You can also reach me by text at 502-255-8106.